Install deb file
Install deb file

install deb file

Sudo cp bridge.pol /etc/debsig/policies/E2C75D68E6234B07ĭebsig-verify protonmail-bridge_3.1.1-1_b Sudo mkdir -p /etc/debsig/policies/E2C75D68E6234B07

install deb file

If you are using **Ubuntu 16.04** or derivatives, use the file `bridge_16.04.pol` Sudo mv debsig.gpg /usr/share/debsig/keyrings/E2C75D68E6234B07 Sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/debsig/keyrings/E2C75D68E6234B07 Gpg -dearmor -output debsig.gpg bridge_pubkey.gpg Import the public key into keyring by following these instructions:.

install deb file

Right-click on bridge_pubkey.gpg → Save link as… to save the file to your device.Sudo apt-get install debsig-verify debian-keyring This article explains how to verify and install the DEB package on your Linux device.

Install deb file